Friday, October 29, 2010

Hands Of Fate

The Pickle Research Campus is guarded on the north side by automatic gates, which (in theory) sense remotely the permit tag on your faithful 'Dlogger's windshield and open for him and other employees when they drive up.

Frustration #1: someone lost his job to a machine.

Frustration #2: said machine does not work well.

Irony surpassed in deliciousness only by sales of the Chevy Nova in Mexico: the maker of the automatic job-stealer is Amano.


Anonymous R said...

There is not a limited amount of work in an economy. No doubt it is temporarily a hardship for this person, but hopefully he can go work on something in the economy that cannot be done by a machine. Maybe he already has, and maybe he didn't lose his job at all and is rather working at the research center but in a more productive capactiy.
It is more useful to think of things on the macro level, because if we looked at every individual at the micro level, we'd just want to give everyone a job for doing nothing, and mass chaos.
People were worried when the industrial revolution came and many blacksmiths would be replaced by heavy machinery. Some did lose jobs, no doubt. But does that mean that the world should not have welcomed the industrial revolution or that there is an permanent additional 5% unemployment rate? Nope

10:38 AM  
Blogger john said...

Fair enough. And hey - maybe now it's just a new, permanent 10% unemployment rate and the economy is doing just fine.

9:58 AM  
Anonymous R said...

1 out of 10 doesn't have a job? I like those odds. (I'm going to spit in every 50th burger.)

2:49 PM  

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